How Science Killed “Consumptive Chic”

John White Alexander “Repose” (1895) , oil/canvas 53 X 63 in, Metropolitan Museum of Art

“Consumption, I am aware, is a flattering malady,”

~ Charlotte Brontë (1849) wrote of her sister, Anne, who later died from the illness.

Epidemic Proportions

In the 18th and 19th centuries, …

Sleuthing the Sewage: Pondering the Poop

Down the drain and off the brain? 

“Flush and forget” is understandably most people’s approach to toilets and sinks – why think about sewage more than you need to? However, to sewage …

Navigating the Skies: The Fascinating World of Bird Migration

Navigating the Skies: The Fascinating World of Bird Migration

Every year around April, the Arctic tern, weighing just four ounces, begins one of the most extraordinary displays of endurance in nature. Undertaking one of the longest migrations in the world, the …