How do Bacteria Communicate with Each Other?

Bacteria are single celled microscopic organisms that populate every surface on earth. They are constantly adapting to changes in their environment and have evolved amazing ways by which to thrive in their …

HPV: The Cancer Causing Virus

HPV: The cancer causing virus

What is a virus

Viruses are non-living biological molecules composed of genetic material and proteins. Due to their lack of organelles (cellular machinery), they must enter and replicate their genome within …

Designer Babies – Science and Ethics

Designer Babies - Science and Ethics

Imagine if parents could choose their child’s likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses before they are even born. Parents who want their children to become pro athletes or nobel prize winners may jump …

How can we use DNA to determine ancestry and disease risk?

Ancestry and DNA

Reading Time – 9 Minutes, Difficulty Level 3/5

What may previously have been deemed science fiction is becoming a more acceptable and understood reality. The ability to discover who our distant ancestors were or what diseases and traits we may …

When Our Cells Attack Each Other: Autoimmune Disorders

What is an Autoimmune Response

Reading Time – 12 Minutes, Difficulty Level 1/5

The term “autoimmune” is one most people have heard at one point or another, but what does it actually mean? 

About 1 in 10 individuals suffer from some form of autoimmune disease, …

What Really is a Genetic Mutation?

What is a mutation

Reading Time – 10 Minutes, Difficulty Level 2/5

On the surface, humans appear to be constructed of skin, bones, fat, and muscle. Deep inside each of our cells, however, lies the true essence of our lives, DNA. Our DNA blueprint …

The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology

Dogma of Molecular Biology

Reading Time – 6 Minutes, Difficulty Level 3/5

In the mid 1950s, Francis Crick proposed a mechanism for gene expression that would forever change the face of biomedical and genetic research. The Central Dogma allowed scientists to begin discovering key …

Hypoxia: The Role Low Oxygen Plays in Cancer Progression

Low Oxygen Cancer Progression

Reading Time – 9 Minutes, Difficulty Level – Expert

The tissues of the human body often experience environmental stressors that alter their cellular processes. The presence or absence of oxygen is one such stressor that causes cells to quickly alter …

What is Cancer and Why is it so Difficult to Treat?

What is cancer and why is it so hard to treat

Reading Time – 9 Minutes, Difficulty Level 3/5

Almost every individual is personally impacted by cancer, either through a personal diagnosis or the diagnosis of a friend or family member. Most of the population is aware that the disease can …

What is the Human Microbiome and Why is it Important?

What is the human microbiome?

Reading Time – 8 Minutes, Difficulty Level 2/5

What is the Microbiome?

Our bodies are the perfect habitat for many different species of small organisms called microbes. From bacteria and fungi, to parasites and viruses, these microbes have evolved with …