Amazing Enzymes and Where To Find Them

The reason we have cheese, and the reason most of us can’t eat it

Did you know that approximately 68% of people worldwide can’t digest cheese and other dairy products? It …

Vertebrate Evolution: Ancient Retroviruses and Myelination

As vertebrate organisms have evolved over time, ancient retroviruses have quietly shaped the development of our brains, playing a surprisingly important role in moulding them into the complex organs they are

How do Bacteria Communicate with Each Other?

Bacteria are single celled microscopic organisms that populate every surface on earth. They are constantly adapting to changes in their environment and have evolved amazing ways by which to thrive in their …

Sleuthing the Sewage: Pondering the Poop

Down the drain and off the brain? 

“Flush and forget” is understandably most people’s approach to toilets and sinks – why think about sewage more than you need to? However, to sewage …