Can I Make Concrete if I Know How to Make Pizza?

Concrete has been one of the most utilized materials in construction for thousands of years. Today, it holds the distinction of being the most manufactured material globally. While we typically associate …

Ancient Engineering: The World’s Oldest Wooden Structure

In September 2023, archaeologists made a discovery: a wooden structure. 

What’s the big deal about this discovery of some old wood?

It’s actually a very groundbreaking discovery! It is evidence of …

Computer Vision – Unveiling New Vistas

You are at the beach taking in the lovely view – the sunset, passing sailboats, children playing. Your eyes take in the scene and the brain interprets this as a pleasant …

The Origin and Evolution of Moore’s Law

Moores Law

What is Moore’s Law?

In 1965, Dr. Gordon E. Moore wrote an article for the journal Electronics, wherein he made a famous prediction — that the number of transistors that could …