Ancient Engineering: The World’s Oldest Wooden Structure

In September 2023, archaeologists made a discovery: a wooden structure. 

What’s the big deal about this discovery of some old wood?

It’s actually a very groundbreaking discovery! It is evidence of …

Doggerland & The Mammoths of the North Sea

Doggerland and the Mammoths of the North Sea

Reading Time – 4 Minutes, Difficulty Level 1/5

The North Sea is an important fishing ground for many European countries. Trawling vessels drag their nets behind them at varying depths, depending on which type of fish they intend to catch. …

The Great American Interchange – When Worlds Collide

The Great American Interchange - When Worlds Collide

Reading Time – 6 minutes, Difficulty level 1/5

Around 30 million years ago, South America became an isolated land mass as continental drift pulled it away from Antarctica and Africa. This separation allowed its endemic wildlife to evolve into forms …